As a lifelong learner, I developed an interest in neuroplasticity and how the brain could change when my kids were growing up. I could see it in action. Dr. Norman Doidge’s books opened a doorway into a new way of thinking about the brain. I began a journey away from my life as a chef and became a certified ABM Neuromovement Practitioner in 2017. I went on to complete specializations for working with kids, aging and high performers.

In 2019 I was invited to assist in a pilot project headed by Anat Baniel, bringing this method into several public elementary schools in Lloydminster, Alberta. This 2-year project brought NeuroMovement® into the classrooms for 5-10 minutes twice a day in the form of group lessons for the children from grade 4-7. Please read about the outcomes here: https://www.anatbanielmethod.com/new-paradigm-in-education-leading-to-new-possibilities/ Seeing how beneficial this can be for children motivated me to teach children’s group classes in Vancouver.

During the beginning of the pandemic I became a certified FloorTime Practitioner to support my work with kids. Additionally, I completed 2 levels of At Home Coaching for parents which offers parents, caregivers and children the opportunity to bring tools for positive brain change directly into their everyday life.

More recently, I have become a traveling practitioner, and have worked in different parts of Canada, England and in Europe. I was fortunate to receive direct mentoring from Anat Baniel and saw clients at her center in San Rafael, California. Currently I travel regularly to New York and Medellin, Colombia to see clients.

I continue to seek out new tools to help create better brains, and am currently in Jeff Haller’s graduate level program for Feldenkrais practitioners.

"Tanya was able to relieve my lower back pain with just one session! When my husband injured his back, I sent him to Tanya, and she alleviated his pain, too. I have continued to see her for body pain, stress, and insomnia. Her treatments are gentle, calming, and incredibly grounding."

- RH

"My daughter is so much more regulated since working with you last week!!! Thank you!!!! My hubby said she is like a different child."

- MO

Book Session